Following the release of Ice Cream Sandwich's source code, Cyanogen announced via Twitter that work had begun on CyanogenMod 9, the Ice Cream Sandwich-based version of the popular community-developed Android distribution. He also announced a rough ETA of two months from now - this is, of course, an extremely informal announcement and should be taken with a grain of salt, but it suggests that work on the new version should progress quickly.

CyanogenMod is popular among users for a number of reasons: it's updated more often and more quickly than the Android versions distributed with many phones, it includes a number of useful enhancements and utilities, it gives users of heavily customized devices (like the Nook Color) access to the full Android feature set, and it does its best to improve the tablet experience for Android tablets without Honeycomb, which never had its source code released (the CyanogenMod version number is jumping directly from 7 to 9 to acknowledge that fact). The new Ice Cream Sandwich version should further improve the experience on tablets, and it may also be a way for users of older or officially unsupported devices (like Google's Nexus One) to take advantage of Android 4.0's improvements.

The CyanogenMod team will continue work on CM 7 in the meantime - another Tweet from Cyanogen confirmed that version 7.2 of the Gingerbread-based distribution would be developed and released while the team works on CyanogenMod 9. We'll keep tabs on the team's activity as it progresses.

Source: Twitter

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  • orionismud - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    Cyanogenmod is great. Can't wait!
  • retrospooty - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    Whoot! +1
  • B3an - Friday, November 18, 2011 - link

    Does CM have things like GPU acceleration for the browser interface and general UI? Like Samsung use with the SGSII. It easily has the smoothest UI overall of any Android phone i've used, so does CM have anything like this? Or does ICS now have full GPU acceleration for the UI? Because Gingerbread certainly didn't and it was up to the manufacturer to add it in.
  • thunderlord - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    Erm, the source code for Honeycomb was released with Ice Cream Sandwich, so it's not that the source code was never released it's that it was released exactly when it became moot to release the source code.
  • Andrew.a.cunningham - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    Right; it's complicated. When it was announced that the source was going into AOSP, they said that the Honeycomb source would go up too too, but they didn't put any Honeycomb-specific tags in so that people wouldn't try to target it.

    Anyway, when I say "the source wasn't released," what I MEAN is what you said. :-)
  • rpmrush - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    Would be nice if they optimized 9 for the OG Droid.
    Still one of my favorite phones.

    Bugless Beast has been the best rom for me on the OG Droid.
    CM7 battery life is a big improvement over the stock kernal, but Bugless takes even further.
  • Camikazi - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    I've seen Bugless Beast but never tried it (own a Droid Inc), is it good and stable? I am running Condemned's Stripped 2 Hell CM7 ROM, it is running very nicely and comes with most all the tweaks (and Kernel) I add to CM7 already in place plus a few I did not know about, but I am willing to give Bugless a try if it runs stable and fast.
  • Quindor - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    I've been running Cyanogenmod on my Samsung Galaxy S II for a while now and my GF on her LG Optimus 2x.

    And while Samsung is at least moderately good at providing updates, LG is probably the most horrible android phone maker ever to exist on this earth.

    But, with Cyanogenmod, both phones are identical in features and even speed almost! A new ROM *every night* with all the functionality (bluetooth tether, etc.) you can imagine.

    Clean, efficient (great battery times), rock stable and 2.3.7 instead of 2.2 on which the Optimus 2x is still stuck.

    Can't wait for ICS! :D
  • aegisofrime - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link

    Unfortunately two issues remain, at least for the SGS2 version:

    1. Low music playback volume
    2. Some video files not playing nice

    1. is supposedly easy to fix with a script, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not integrated into the ROM itself. 2. is more tricky as it requires the source code for the GPU for something.
  • djc208 - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link

    The 7.2 release I'm hoping will solidify the Alpha for the TouchPad, which is good but rough enough that WebOS is still better for everyday use.

    ICS on the TP should really make that thing the deal of the century. Go CM!

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