Clevo P750ZM LCD: 4K IGZO

HiDPI panels are becoming increasingly commonplace, and while there are still compromises involved (e.g. at least a few games that we tested didn’t like having scaling at something other than 100%), it’s definitely more of a future-looking decision. I’m not sure anyone other than an eagle would really use the Windows desktop at 4K with 100% scaling on a 15.6” display, but that option is always there. Personally, 2560x1440 would have been more reasonable, and you can even add that option via the NVIDIA control panel (which I did), but IGZO does generally mean you get one of the best quality panels currently available. Let’s see how it looks.

Display - Max Brightness

Display - Black Levels

Display - Contrast Ratio

Display - White Point

Display - Grayscale Accuracy

Display - Gamut Accuracy

Display - Saturation Accuracy

Display - GMB Accuracy

Uncalibrated, the maximum white level of 350cd/m2 is good if not chart topping. The black level of 0.29 nits at max brightness is also great, leading to a roughly 1200:1 contrast ratio. However, we noticed at lower brightness settings that the contrast trails off – we measured closer to 1000:1 at 200 nits for example. The average CCT isn’t perfect but it’s not terrible. Still, looking at the various delta E results shows the display could benefit from calibration.

Post-calibration the LCD is nearly perfect in most colors, with a few that still fall above 3.0 dE. Most of these problem colors are orange or blue hues, but there are plenty of close colors that are well below 3.0 as well. The greyscale Delta E is essentially perfect, as are the primary colors, but the saturations and colorchecker results are a bit higher. In short, it’s a great display overall and better than most other laptop panels…but it’s still not perfect.

Clevo P750ZM Battery Life and Power Clevo P750ZM Thermals and Noise
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  • mrcaffeinex - Thursday, March 12, 2015 - link

    I have the 7850K in one of my computers at home. It performs satisfactorily for everything I ask of it, including some gaming. The 7800 is a slightly neutered version of the 7850K, but has the advantage of a 1/3 power consumption reduction (less heat output being the key here). It also puts it at about 1/2 the power consumption of the reviewed unit (again, less heat being important). In this regard, if I could take it with me on the go, still do the work I need, plus entertain me when I want, it would be great.

    I know that mobile i5s are performance-competitive with the 7850K/7800. The market just doesn't offer a lot of options with the aforementioned mobile i5 CPU paired up with a dedicated GPU of comparable performance to the integrated GPU of the 7850K/7800 that I am aware of. The integrated GPU on the i5s, in my experience, do not offer enough performance when gaming, even if the CPU is more than adequate. AMDs mobile APUs have proven inadequate in this regard as well, at least compared to the 7850K/7800.

    I would think there might be a market for a mobile solution with a desktop AMD APU. If Clevo is able to produce a cooling solution for a laptop that can dissipate the output of both a Core i7-4790K and GTX 980m, it should theoretically be possible to dissipate the heat generated by a single chip with a lower TDP than the CPU alone in the reviewed configuration. Also, last I knew, the price of a mobile i5 CPU was more than the price of the AMD APUs in question, which could make the AMD APU equipped unit cheaper than an i5 unit with dedicated GPU or offer a better quality screen/faster memory (to take advantage of the APU's iGPU) in the same price point.
  • Manch - Thursday, March 12, 2015 - link

    Why even have a battery? I'd rather they use the space to provide better/quieter cooling. Make a sheet battery you can attach underneath it if you really want a battery for one of these. I have a GX70 and I've rarely ever had it untethered from a wall. Usually its just to power it up while I fish out the brick from my backpack so I can get to work.
  • boeush - Thursday, March 12, 2015 - link

    I, for one, do appreciate a built-in UPS. On DTR laptops, that's about all a battery is, anyway. So yeah, as long as it can provide ~30 min off the mains from full charge when new, it'd be good enough for me. Agreed, the rest of space/weight might as well be used for better cooling, or an optical drive, or something.
  • caplus12000 - Sunday, May 24, 2015 - link

    Anyone know the refresh rate of the 4K panel on this laptop? On the xotic pc website, it the samsung one claims to be running @ 60Hz, but I remember someone on a forum said they only operate at 48Hz?

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