The Display

The Droid 2 uses the same 3.7” 240 PPI IPS screen as the original Droid. In fact, the front of the device seems almost unchanged. The panel is the same, as is Corning gorilla glass. I measured the original Droid and found the display very contrasty and very high PPI due to the smaller size. Again, Motorola uses a relatively unique 854x480 resolution where the norm appears to be 800x480 for most other Android 2.x devices.

The Droid 2 edges out the original in black point and contrast. Keep in mind this measure is at maximum brightness with the backlight all the way on.

Since the Droid 2 isn’t AMOLED, it’s quite readable outside. I haven’t yet passed judgement on how it stacks up against Super AMOLED, but Anand is pretty certain readability is close.

Finally viewing angles and hues are up. The Droid 2 seems to have a slightly warmer hue than I’m used to, it’s a bit obvious when displaying white and comparing to other Android devices or the iPhone 4. I’m not certain which is more true to color, but just be aware. As for viewing angles, the Droid 2 surprised me by not being one of the best. 

Turns out the EVO is actually strikingly viewable at extreme angles. There's not much more to say about the Droid 2 display that we haven't already said about the original Motorola Droid—it's the same display and the same glass on top. See the gallery for more shots.

Cellular and WiFI Performance - Part 2 Performance - OMAP3620
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  • bigi - Tuesday, September 21, 2010 - link

    Your pics in the sun are crap because left/middle phones have photographer shadow on them therefore showing more contrast/details in shaded area.

    The phone on the right looks worst because the "photographer" made this look worst.
  • awaken688 - Tuesday, September 21, 2010 - link

    Brian. Good review. Can you comment on how the Droid 2 works as a phone? You know the earpiece volume and clarity? Ability to get rid of background noise of the receiving speaker. I know these are smartphones, but they still are phones so I would love to have some clear thoughts on that part of the device.
  • LoneWolf15 - Tuesday, September 21, 2010 - link

    In a week and a half, I can only comment on my own experience --but the D2 has the best reception and call clarity of the smartphones I've had (Kyocera 7135, three Treos, and a Blackberry Tour prior to this). I've gotten calls (and held them) in areas I thought previously impossible, and calls everywhere for me have been clear.
  • Brian Klug - Tuesday, September 21, 2010 - link

    I generally don't comment too much on handset performance unless there's something extraordinarily bad about performance, purely because it's very subjective right now. In this case, Droid 2 handset quality/volume are almost identical to the original Droid. Both have noise cancellation, though I'm betting the Droid 2 is slightly less effective at cancelling noise due to that (as I mentioned) somewhat strange rear microphone placement.

    Otherwise I've been working on a very quantitative way to judge handset voice quality and performance, which will eventually appear in reviews. Subjectively, the Droid 2 is the same as any CDMA phone in terms of voice quality.

  • DJMiggy - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - link

    Good review! Lots of good information on the Droid 2. I look forward to the ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore. March 2011 is when my new every two is up with Verizon and I can get a new phone without getting bunged 600 dollars. lol
  • awaken688 - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - link

    Thanks LoneWolf and Brian. I just know that from my experience with the LG VX8300 that not all CDMA/GSM phones are created equal. We have an original Droid and it is by far the best phone we have used. It's clarity, volume, and reception is just hands down better than my VX8300 and it easily bests the iPhone we have too, although it is by a less noticeable amount.

    I'll take subjective =)
  • Shinobi123 - Friday, October 1, 2010 - link

    Why is the XT720 never in these comparisons?

    I've had this phone for soon two months, and it's easily the best phone I ever had.

    Not biggest screen or highest clocked cpu, but it's a good phone and excellent camera.
  • soccerharms - Friday, October 1, 2010 - link

    Hey Brian,

    Is there future plans to compare the droid x with froyo with the droid 2? I would be very interested in how these stack up because people are posting significant performance increases with the update.

    Thanks for the review
  • jeans_xp - Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - link

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    HAHA, first smart phone is iPhone 3GS. I find a good website for smart phone news and latest technology:

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