SPEC2006 & 2017: Industry Standard - ST Performance

Single-threaded performance of the new M1 is certainly one of its key aspects, where the new Firestorm cores definitely punch far above their power class. We had hinted in our preview A14 analysis article that the M1 may well be ending up as not only the top-performing low-power mobile CPU out there, but actually end up as the top-performing absolute performance amongst all CPUs in the market. The A14 fell short of that designation, but the M1 is an even faster implementation of the new Firestorm cores.

It’s to be noted that we’re comparing the M1 to the absolute best desktop and laptop platforms on the market right now, solely looking at absolute best single-threaded performance.

SPECint2006 Speed Estimated Scores

In SPECint2006, we’re now seeing the M1 close the gap to AMD’s Zen3, beating it in several workloads now, which increasing the gap to Intel’s new Tiger Lake design as well as their top-performing desktop CPU, which the M1 now beats in the majority of workloads.

Since our A14 results, we’ve been able to track down Apple’s compiler setting which increases the 456.hmmer by such a dramatic amount – Apple defaults the “-mllvm -enable-loop-distribute=true” in their newest compiler toolchain whilst it needs to be enabled on third-party LLVM compilers. A 5950X with the flag enabled increases its score to 91.64, but also while seeing some regressions in other tests. We haven’t had time to re-test further platforms.

The M1’s performance boost in 462.libquantum is due to the increased L2 cache, as well as the doubled memory bandwidth of the system, something that this workload is very hungry of.

SPECfp2006(C/C++) Speed Estimated Scores

In the fp2006 workloads, we’re seeing the M1 post very large performance boosts relative to the A14, meaning that it now is able to claim the best performance out of all CPUs being compared here.

SPEC2006 Speed Estimated Total

In the overall score, the M1 increases the scores by 9.5% and 17% over the A14. In the integer score, the M1 takes the lead here, although if we were to account for the 456.hmmer discrepancy it would still favour the Zen3-based 5950X. In the floating-point score however, the Apple M1 now takes a large lead ahead, making it the best performing CPU core.

We’ve had a lot arguments about whether 2006 is relevant or not in today’s landscape. We have practical reasons for not yet running SPEC2017 on mobile devices, but given that the new Apple Silicon M1 runs on macOS, these concerns are not valid, thus enabling us to also run the more modern benchmark suite.

It’s to be noted that currently we do not have a functional Fortran compiler on Apple Silicon macOS systems, thus we have to skip several workloads in the 2017 suite, which is why they’re missing from the graphs. We’re concentrating on the remaining C/C++ workloads.

SPECint2017(C/C++) Rate-1 Estimated Scores

The situation doesn’t change too much with the newer SPECint2017 suite. Apple’s Firestorm core here remains extremely impressive, at worst matching up Intel’s new Tiger Lake CPU in single-threaded performance, and at best, keeping up and sometimes beating AMD’s new Zen3 CPU in the new Ryzen 5000 chips.

Apple’s performance is extremely balanced across the board, but what stands out is the excellent 502.gcc_r performance where it takes a considerable leap ahead of the competition, meaning that the new Apple core does extremely well on very complex code and code compiling.

SPECfp2017(C/C++) Rate-1 Estimated Scores

In SPECfp2017, we’re seeing something quite drastic in terms of the scores. The M1 here at worst is a hair-width’s behind AMD’s Zen3, and at best is posting the best absolute performance of any CPU in the market. These are incredible scores.

SPEC2017(C/C++) Rate-1 Estimated Total

In the overall new SPEC2017 int and fp charts, the Apple Silicon M1 falls behind AMD’s Zen3 in the integer performance, however takes an undisputable lead in the floating-point suite.

Compared to the Intel contemporary designs, the Apple M1 is able to showcase a performance leap ahead of the best the company has to offer, with again a considerable strength in the FP score.

While AMD’s Zen3 still holds the leads in several workloads, we need to remind ourselves that this comes at a great cost in power consumption in the +49W range while the Apple M1 here is using 7-8W total device active power.

M1 GPU Performance: Integrated King, Discrete Rival SPEC2017 - Multi-Core Performance
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  • Hrunga_Zmuda - Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - link

    You clearly are not a real Apple developer, you are a Windows developer forced to violate your prejudice. There are plenty of top-flight developers who love to develop for MacOS.
  • Spunjji - Thursday, November 19, 2020 - link

    Most of the devs I know like macOS as a development platform *and* as a target, and none of them are Apple fans outside of that. I guess it varies.
  • allajunaki - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    On the contrary, one of the first thing they showcased in the initial demos were running virtualization and Linux.
  • andreltrn - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    Yes for for web developers that is important. Most web app run on linux not windows. I recruit developers for the IT industries and most of the server apps are developed for Linux servers.
  • toke - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    It would have been so nice to compare this to mini 2018 i7 (I7-8700B + uhd630),
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    There are about half a dozen further Macs I would have liked to include. Unfortunately securing them is easier said than done, especially in the middle of a pandemic. So we had to take what we could get.

    The i7 would certainly have performed better than the i3 on the CPU side thanks to the additional cores and added frequency. The GPU side would have been almost as dire, however. Apple really wants to move the baseline for their systems far beyond what Intel (and really, the other PC OEMs) deem acceptable.
  • DeathArrow - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    Does it run Crysis?
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    Sadly, no. There never was a Crysis port for the Mac. In fact without Bootcamp, it's even less capable of running Crysis than the 2018 Mini.
  • Silver5urfer - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    Ask about SOTTR, yeah it exists on Mac OS and with proper port. But it won't be able to run as there are GPU requirements in play which Apple can never match, due to VRAM plus the Rosetta2 layer so the dev Feral should update it. So unless they do that there's no gaming benches which are big ones not the garbage Apple arcade mobile ones.
  • tipoo - Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - link

    I believe Apple had mentioned 128 ALUs per GPU core at the keynote around the same time they mentioned the flops, so that's confirmed.

    Worth keeping in mind, this is the slowest M chip Apple will ever ship, the very baseline, and it's already doing this. Can't wait for the "ARM can't scale" x86 die hards to pretend they never said such things.

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