Motherboard Tray

Like the Sea Hawk, MGE has provided a sufficient number of holes on the Sidewinder's motherboard tray to support various types of motherboards from ATX, and MicroATX, to Extended ATX form factors.

The Sidewinder uses standard screw on standoffs and requires screws to secure the motherboard in place.

Click to enlarge.

Furthermore, users can purchase after-market snap-in standoffs like the ones that Thermaltake used in its VM3000A, from various online retailers if preferred.

Expansion Installation
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  • EddNog - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link

    AnandTech: reviewing the products of lesser case makers everywhere--the, "Robin Hood," of major PC hardware sites that happen to review system enclosures.
  • Da3dalus - Saturday, October 16, 2004 - link


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