Zalman Reserator 3 Max Dual CPU Cooler Review
by E. Fylladitakis on August 19, 2014 6:00 PM ESTTesting Results, Low Fan Speed (7 Volts)
The second round of testing takes place with the supply voltage of the fans and the pump at 7V. Although certain fan models and pumps can work at lower voltages as well, we consider 7V to be the threshold of maximum compatibility (i.e. all fans and pumps should operate seamlessly with this voltage, and all fan controllers/motherboards should be able to supply it).
Core Temperature, Constant Thermal Load |
After dropping the voltage of the fans down to 7V, the characteristic performance of the Reserator 3 Max Dual remains unchanged, with the cooler delivering outstanding performance at low loads and, once again, the thermal resistance decreases as the load increases.
With their supply voltage decreased to 7V, the fans are still audible but generating just 37.4 dB(A), a fairly comfortable figure. Remember that the fans are PWM controlled and their speed may decrease even further if they are powered from your motherboard's CPU fan header, as long as the temperature of the CPU and the user settings allow it.
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mickulty - Wednesday, August 20, 2014 - link
"Although we cannot fully explain why, it seems that the Reserator 3 Max Dual cannot dissipate high quantities of thermal energy quickly enough."Could it be something to do with the overlapping cooling path?
E.Fyll - Wednesday, August 20, 2014 - link
Although I cannot really calculate it, I believe that the surface of the pipes is simply much smaller than the surface of a classic two-pass radiator. Therefore, even though it can dissipate heat very quickly via its sizable fin area, the surface between the array and the tubing is not sufficient to maintain a very large energy transfer.This simply is an assumption on my part and is not based on any form of evidence.