It's now been nearly a month since we launched the biggest redesign in AnandTech history. Monday we'll be celebrating our 13 year anniversary and it'll start with our most expensive system giveaway to date. I've also received product from ASRock, G.Skill, OCZ and Patriot to give away in addition to celebrate both the relaunch and the anniversary of AT. It's going to be an exciting month ahead of us.

If you haven't noticed, we've been introducing new features and fixing bugs since we launched the new site a month ago and I wanted to give you all a quick update on everything we've done.

First and foremost, Print this Article functionality has been restored. It was always on the list, it just didn't make the cut for launch. We've also brought back inline Gallery listing, enabled tagging, fixed a handful of bugs and issues that you've brought up and have more coming.

Expect galleries, commenting and the front page to all get much more flexible in the coming weeks. I'm talking about in-line responses in the comments section (no more page loads to respond to a comment) as well as the option to compress down the front page to a simpler listing for those who want it. In the interim we've changed our backend a bit to not put all articles by default into the carousel up top. What you'll see up there are our biggest reviews/news stories, while the smaller stuff (this just in, any smaller news, etc...) will appear in the listing below.

I do appreciate your patience as we implement the new features and changes we've got coming, and we'll be showing some of that appreciation next week with these giveaways :)

As always, if you've got any feedback feel free to contact us or leave a comment. We're always listening.

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  • jah1subs - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link

    I asked previously but since this change was not made (yet?) I will ask again:

    Please indicate in DailyTech when one day ends so I can see when the next one begins. I find that I catch up to DailyTech in odd moments and it is much easier to keep track of what I have read if I can at least remember: Oh year, I finished Tuesday's entries.

    Other thoughts:

    1) I will appreciate being able to print the long articles; Acrobat .pdf would be a nice enhancement.

    2) Horizontal scroll disturbs me.
  • somidiot - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link

    I think you guys are doing a great job, I've enjoyed your articles for nearly 8 years and I have to say I'll miss the old anand, but I'm looking forward to reading more great material from you guys no matter what it looks like. Since you're putting in all these great extras I may have to try them out, I've been to lazy in the past to take advantage of some of the cool things you've had going here.

    Here's to many more years of!
  • kilkennycat - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    Please see how "the Tech Report" handles comment-postings. Please also fix the same problem in DailyTech.
  • scubakoop - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    I have read Anandtech and used it for my source of info since the beginning of the website. I never post, but I read daily! I always use the guides when looking for upgrades or system builds. I think Anand has done a great job over the years. Congrats!!
  • jahLux - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    Brilliant !!
  • dissonanceus - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    Unless I'm just blind, I can't find a link anywhere on the site to view/edit any account settings.
  • Impulses - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    The site is still behaving VERY sluggish for me on Opera Mini on my phone, any chance you can check that out? It's not that it loads slowly, it's that once it does it's very sluggish to scroll thru or navigate... I visit a ton of different sites on Opera Mini and this is the first time any one site has caused that, plus it wasn't happening right after the site re-design either, it only started happening a week or two ago. I can't figure out what's up, it's not like Opera Mini loads Flash ads or anything like that which would bog it down...
  • Zap - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    I've been using the "Print" feature since soon after the site beta update. I was playing around with the URL (and inadvertently discovered a potential security issue which I reported and which was promptly fixed) and discovered that if you just replace the word "show" with the word "print" in the URL, you got the print preview.
  • Exirtis - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link

    One suggestion I have is regarding the "Read More" button. Specifically, it would be nice if there was no "Read More" button/link if there wasn't anything else to read, such as with this Beta - Update. Reaching the end I was fairly certain that there wouldn't be anything more, since the last sentence was fairly clearly a closer, but I checked anyway since I saw that there was a "Read More" button.

    Not a big deal, at all, but displaying "Read More" only when necessary would help to reduce wasted clicks with the short updates & features coming on the main page now, and in the future.
  • apriest - Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - link

    What happened to the system rigs feature? Seems to be missing with the update.

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