It's now been nearly a month since we launched the biggest redesign in AnandTech history. Monday we'll be celebrating our 13 year anniversary and it'll start with our most expensive system giveaway to date. I've also received product from ASRock, G.Skill, OCZ and Patriot to give away in addition to celebrate both the relaunch and the anniversary of AT. It's going to be an exciting month ahead of us.

If you haven't noticed, we've been introducing new features and fixing bugs since we launched the new site a month ago and I wanted to give you all a quick update on everything we've done.

First and foremost, Print this Article functionality has been restored. It was always on the list, it just didn't make the cut for launch. We've also brought back inline Gallery listing, enabled tagging, fixed a handful of bugs and issues that you've brought up and have more coming.

Expect galleries, commenting and the front page to all get much more flexible in the coming weeks. I'm talking about in-line responses in the comments section (no more page loads to respond to a comment) as well as the option to compress down the front page to a simpler listing for those who want it. In the interim we've changed our backend a bit to not put all articles by default into the carousel up top. What you'll see up there are our biggest reviews/news stories, while the smaller stuff (this just in, any smaller news, etc...) will appear in the listing below.

I do appreciate your patience as we implement the new features and changes we've got coming, and we'll be showing some of that appreciation next week with these giveaways :)

As always, if you've got any feedback feel free to contact us or leave a comment. We're always listening.

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  • semo - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link

    i vote against this frivolous feature.

    you can use pdfcreator or primopdf
  • JakFrost - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    I'd recommend to replace the acronyms used in the div class="navigation_product" class="white" section with nouns instead to keep a constant naming standard in the overall design.

    CPUs | Motherboards | SSD/HDD | GPUs | Mobile

    Processors | Motherboards | Storage | Graphics | Mobile
  • ksherman - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    I completely agree. Current menu titles in the white area are a little strange.
  • blyndy - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link

    I completely agree.
  • NJoy - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    Sorry, Anand, but I don't like the new site. I really loved the simplicity of the old one, it was just perfect. My main complaints would be: first, what da hell is this scale? Unless u've got a hi-res display, you just have to scroll and scroll and scroll, it's really annoying. I feel like a cripple with my 1440x900 lappy screen. Second - this featured article box. I don't really remember seeing such a simple thing to be so badly done anywhere else. Okay, may be my p8600 isn't fast enough for this website anymore? Well, up until now I was quite satisfied with it, even when doing 3d renders.... Also, it takes most of the front page, and sometimes you just miss some interesting articles, just because they are pushed down. And more and more and more and more...

    I might want the old version back but, to be honest, it doesn't really matter. After all, I come here not for what the site looks like but its content. But then again, the old site was just fine, imo
  • Will Robinson - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    I agree,far to much scrolling and on my widescreen monitor we have this tiny,thin website in the middle with huge ,blank colums on either side.
    No widescreen format?
  • RMZ - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    Nice work on the refresh of the sites look and feel.

    As always keep on bring us the great content!

    And world-wide giveaways are always better ;)
  • maxxl - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    I've got this error when I try to post comment on ypur latest MacBook Pro update: "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.". I tried latest Safari and Firefox on OS X afcourse ;)

  • maxxl - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    It looks that this error appeared when I tried to post terminal command. So look at this thread for "ioreg -lw0" command and try to post it here by yourself:
  • xcy - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link

    I don't understand all this hype about the "new and improved site".
    The old site was *much* better!
    And what's this obsession with that stupid carousel? It's a monstrosity.
    I just don't get it.
    Bring back the old site, the *real* Anandtech website.

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